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Rick Hale, “Guernsey’s Haunted German Military Underground Hospital,” Spooky Isles, June 2019, https://www.spookyisles.com/german-military-underground.
Edouard Launet, “Michael Beaumont, 70 ans, est le «seigneur» de Sercq, île anglo-normande. Deux richissimes jumeaux contestent son paisible féodalisme. Le comte de l'île.” Libération, December 1997, https://www.liberation.fr/portrait/1997/12/06/michael-beaumont-70-ans-est-le-seigneur-de-sercq-ile-anglo-normande-deux-richissimes-jumeaux-contest_224306.
Edgar MacCulloch, Guernsey Folk Lore: a collection of popular superstitions, legendary tales, peculiar customs, proverbs, weather sayings, etc., of the people of that island (public domain, 1903).