Legends 25: Cursed Literature

Cursed literature and haunted tomes fill a category of folklore that never gets enough love. This tour through the some of history’s most deadly books is sure to help you find a few new favorites.

Narrated and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with writing by Harry Marks and research by Cassandra de Alba.

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Lore 251: Casting Shade

Magic shows and illusions are often viewed as the stuff of childhood parties and tv specials. But as this journey into ancient history shows us, the history of magic is a lot more frightening than we might think.

Written and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with research by Alexandra Steed and music by Chad Lawson.

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  • Mint Mobile: For a limited time, wireless plans from Mint Mobile are $15 a month when you purchase a 3-month plan with UNLIMITED talk, text and data at MintMobile.com/lore.

  • BetterHelp: Lore is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at BetterHelp.com/LORE, and get on your way to being your best self.

  • Squarespace: Head to Squarespace.com/lore to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using the code LORE.

Legends 24: Buried Alive

Few possibilities fill us with as much dread as premature burial. Unfortunately, the examples we can find in the pages of history—whether caused by illness or a botched execution—only seem to justify that fear.

Narrated and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with writing by Harry Marks and research by Cassandra de Alba.

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  • Skylight Frame: Share your memories with the ones that matter most. Get 15% off your purchase of a Skylight Frame when you go to SkylightFrame.com/LORE.

Lore 250: A World Away

No matter how far we go or what we try to leave behind, there’s always something following us, haunting the places we call home.

Written and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with research by Sam Alberty and music by Chad Lawson.

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  • BetterHelp: Lore is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at BetterHelp.com/LORE, and get on your way to being your best self.

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  • Acorns: Acorns helps you automatically save & invest for your future. Head to acorns.com/lore to sign up for Acorns to start saving and investing for your future today!

Legends 23: The Devil’s Chair

Graveyards are the resting place for a lot of spooky folklore. But one strange element from the Victorian era has stuck around long enough to acquire some frightening stories of its own.

Narrated and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with writing by Harry Marks and Aaron Mahnke, and research by Cassandra de Alba and Jamie Vargas.


  • Squarespace: Head to Squarespace.com/lore to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using the code LORE.

Lore 249: Return Trip

History’s ability to repeat itself can sometimes be delightful, and occasionally frightening. But few examples are as terrifying as these aviation-based tales.

Written and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with research by Cassandra de Alba and music by Chad Lawson.

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  • Article: Beautiful, high quality furniture with a delightful design (and price) for every home. Get $50 off your first purchase of $100 or more at Article.com/LORE.

  • SimplliSafe: Secure your home with 24/7 professional monitoring. Sign up today at SimpliSafe.com/Lore to get 20% off any new SimpliSafe system with Fast Protect Monitoring.

  • BetterHelp: Lore is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at BetterHelp.com/LORE, and get on your way to being your best self.

Legends 22: Trickster Devils

Some of the most popular legends all feature the same central character. And in doing so, they tend to add both delight and fear in equal measures.

Narrated and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with writing by Harry Marks and research by Cassandra de Alba.

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  • Mint Mobile: For a limited time, wireless plans from Mint Mobile are $15 a month when you purchase a 3-month plan with UNLIMITED talk, text and data at MintMobile.com/lore.

  • Stamps: Never go to the Post Office again. Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at Stamps.com/LORE.

  • Squarespace: Head to Squarespace.com/lore to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using the code LORE.

Lore 248: Blowout

Throughout history, some of the most joyful parts of life have had a dark, terrifying core. Some invitations apparently deliver more drama than they promise.

Produced by Aaron Mahnke, researched and written by GennaRose Nethercott, and music by Chad Lawson.

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  • BetterHelp: Lore is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at BetterHelp.com/LORE, and get on your way to being your best self.

Legends 21: The Men in Black

Some legends evolve over time, sometimes taking centuries to fully mature. But one urban myth, at least, seems to have arrived nearly complete. And it’s been terrifying from the beginning.

Narrated and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with writing by Aaron Mahnke and Harry Marks, and research by Jamie Vargas.

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  • Stamps: Never go to the Post Office again. Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at Stamps.com/LORE.

  • Mint Mobile: For a limited time, wireless plans from Mint Mobile are $15 a month when you purchase a 3-month plan with UNLIMITED talk, text and data at MintMobile.com/lore.

Lore 247: Subterranean

So much for folklore is hiding just beauty the surface of seemingly normal places. The process of digging, though, isn’t without risk.

Written and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with research by Cassandra de Alba and music by Chad Lawson.

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  • BetterHelp: Lore is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at BetterHelp.com/LORE, and get on your way to being your best self.

  • SimplliSafe: Secure your home with 24/7 professional monitoring. Sign up today at SimpliSafe.com/Lore to get 20% off any new SimpliSafe system with Fast Protect Monitoring.

Legends 20: Food & Folklore

Food and folklore. They go together like peanut butter and chocolate, or arsenic and lace. Throughout history, cultures around the world have paired the favorite meals with specific rituals, cooking up some amazing stories in the process.

Narrated and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with writing by Aaron Mahnke and Harry Marks and research by Alex Robinson.

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  • Mint Mobile: For a limited time, wireless plans from Mint Mobile are $15 a month when you purchase a 3-month plan with UNLIMITED talk, text and data at MintMobile.com/lore.

  • Squarespace: Head to Squarespace.com/lore to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using the code LORE.

Lore 246: The Greatest Show

Few examples of folklore are as well-traveled as this one, complete with painful tragedy and dark echos of the past. Grab your ticket and step inside.

Narrated and produced by Aaron Mahnke and written by GennaRose Nethercott, with research by Cassandra de Alba and music by Chad Lawson.

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  • BetterHelp: Lore is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at BetterHelp.com/LORE, and get on your way to being your best self.

  • HelloFresh: Get farm-fresh, pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep. Go to HelloFresh.com/LoreFree, and use code LOREFREE for free breakfast for life! One breakfast item per box while subscription is active.

Legends 19: The Casket Girls

The connection between one of Europes oldest monster legends and the streets of New Orleans is very strange, but has provided a powerful springboard for some very dark stories.

Narrated and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with writing by Harry Marks and Aaron Mahnke, and research by Sam Alberty.

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  • Squarespace: Head to Squarespace.com/lore to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using the code LORE.

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Lore 245: Evasive

Human remains are a touchy subject. But over the centuries, one specific type of folklore has turned them into something greater in death than they were in life.

Produced by Aaron Mahnke, with research and writing by GennaRose Nethercott, and music by Chad Lawson.

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  • BetterHelp: Lore is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at BetterHelp.com/LORE, and get on your way to being your best self.

  • Acorns: Acorns helps you automatically save & invest for your future. Head to acorns.com/lore to sign up for Acorns to start saving and investing for your future today!

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Legends 18: Magical Objects

The folklore and legends tied to physical objects can be fascinating, frightening, or both.

Narrated and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with writing by Harry Marks and Aaron Mahnke, and research by Alexandra Steed.

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  • Mint Mobile: For a limited time, wireless plans from Mint Mobile are $15 a month when you purchase a 3-month plan with UNLIMITED talk, text and data at MintMobile.com/lore.

  • Stamps: Never go to the Post Office again. Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at Stamps.com/LORE.

  • Squarespace: Head to Squarespace.com/lore to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using the code LORE.

Lore 244: Stolen

Human remains are a touchy subject. But over the centuries, one specific type of folklore has turned them into something greater in death than they were in life.

Produced by Aaron Mahnke, with research and writing by GennaRose Nethercott, and music by Chad Lawson.

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  • BetterHelp: Lore is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at BetterHelp.com/LORE, and get on your way to being your best self.

  • SimpliSafe: Secure your home with 24/7 professional monitoring for just $15 a month. No contracts, no salespeople, just simple and easy security. Sign up today at SimpliSafe.com/Lore to save 20% on your new system with a Fast Protect Plan.

Legends 17: Haunted Bridges

Bridges help us span uncrossable gaps in our world. But according to legend, a few go further, helping connect the living to the dead.

Narrated and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with writing by Harry Marks and research by Cassandra de Alba.

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  • BetterHelp: Lore is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at BetterHelp.com/LORE, and get on your way to being your best self.

Lore 243: Surprise

The court of public opinion has always been a place where lives can be boosted or ruined. But centuries ago, it could also lead to darker results—even death.

Written and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with research by Allie Steed and music by Chad Lawson.

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  • Stamps: Never go to the Post Office again. Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at Stamps.com/LORE.

  • Factor: Skip the stress of meal prepping over the holidays with Factor. Head to FactorMeals.com/LORE50 and use code LORE50 to get 50% off.

Legends 16: Unusual Graves

Burial seems like a certainty for most people. But according to the legends that are whispered in graveyards around America, not all burials are created equal.

Narrated and produced by Aaron Mahnke, with writing by Harry Marks and research by Cassandra de Alba.

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  • BetterHelp: Lore is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at BetterHelp.com/LORE, and get on your way to being your best self.

  • SimpliSafe: Secure your home with 24/7 professional monitoring for just $15 a month. No contracts, no salespeople, just simple and easy security. Sign up today at SimpliSafe.com/Lore to get up to 50% off any new system with a Fast Protect Plan.

  • Squarespace: Head to Squarespace.com/lore to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using the code LORE.

Lore 242: From the Ashes

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, one American city has climbed out of a dark and painful past. But the shadows of those early tragedies have proven to be impossible to leave behind

Produced by Aaron Mahnke, with writing and research by GennaRose Nethercott, and music by Chad Lawson.

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  • Stamps: Never go to the Post Office again. Get a 4-week trial, free postage, and a digital scale at Stamps.com/LORE.

  • Mint Mobile: For a limited time, buy any 3-month Mint Mobile plan and get 3 more months FREE by going to MintMobile.com/lore.